
Relationships within the extended family

Families must always support and help each other. Among immediate family we usually follow this. But do you also maintain relationships with your extended family? Grandmothers, aunts, uncles, and cousins are all part of your family and your relationship with them is really important. How do you maintain your extended family relationships?

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Get together regularly

Regular family meetings are important to strengthen family relationships. Gathering for joyous occasions such as birthdays, weddings, and summer celebrations is especially important. Often the only time relatives get together is at funerals. Often, the relationship with a particular family member is tied to these joyless events.
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Staying in touch

Making the occasional phone call, having coffee with a relative, or registering on Facebook. Yes, it\’s not always easy, but family relationships are really important to our psyche, and if we don\’t maintain them, we are unnecessarily depriving ourselves of an important part of life.

Why maintain relationships

Since we cannot choose our families, conflicts often arise within extended families and often lead to major problems. Although relationships in extended families are often underestimated, it is important to know that good relationships are available. The advantage of good relationships is that you can always help each other, and you will never be alone no matter what. In addition, extended family members are often bearers of important knowledge about your ancestors and memories of your childhood.
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Another reason to maintain good relationships is older family members. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers would feel really bad if their families squabbled, if their children did not get along with each other, or if their grandchildren or great-grandchildren did not know their uncles and aunts. Older adults place great importance on family and often blame themselves for discord. They often find fault with the way their children were raised. Therefore, they try to maintain good relationships just for them.