
Interesting places

It may not be interesting for everyone, so it is impossible to write where such a place is located. Understand, everyone enjoys something different. Therefore, if you enjoy visiting the technical monument, the other 1 may get bored here. He would rather see an animal like a deer in the field. But even here it will be boring for those who prefer the already mentioned technical monument.  

We look for places where everyone might be interested. It\’s atechnical issue, but at the same time it\’s in the middle of nature, so there\’s plenty of potential to come across some animals here. But you can calm down, it\’s not a bear. This place is located in the ore mountains, known as the mountains, west of our border. It is not the largest, nor the average height, nor the expanse, but nevertheless a lot of interesting places are hidden. 1 of them is a long-extinct tin ore mine. The place is called Rolava and has free access. Although it should not be too much to get in there properly, because it is a protected area. But still people go there. 

mlha nad lesem

The first mention dates back to the 12th century. More than five hundred years later, this placecomes to life again with wealth, but again finds itself at the bottom. So much so that there was even a collection for people here. The site itself is actually a wilderness and concrete complex, where there were buildings serving different purposes. Management and so on. All this is already crumbling and overgrown with grass and self-seeding trees. So the trip here is really like a trip to a mysterious and wild world.  

lesní cesta

If you want to get here by car, you can. But walking on foot is more interesting, and at the same time you will do something for your health. And in order for the adventure to be completed, it is not recommended not to go too far from the road. Until now, there is still a dangerous swamp in its own way. Well, find yourself a place on the map and try to enjoy this attraction. And most of all, they behave like civilized people and, unfortunately, do not behave like barbarians who go there.