
What is society like

I have 1 such problem. My brother caught the wrong company. It started when my brother celebrated his 12th birthday. We were in the village. And as everyone knows for sure, there are not many children in the village, rather elderly people. And my brother wanted someone the same age as him, so he was 12 years old. Unfortunately, they were not in the village. That\’s why my brother was happy when he transferred to another school in the city. And that\’s the beginning of everything. Unfortunately, my brother caught the wrong party, the wrong company, but he did not know it himself.  He didn\’t know they were a bad bunch, so he kept hanging out with them until the time came when that bunch of kids started smoking and stealing too. My brother did not know it.

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I think if my brother knew it was wrong, he wouldn\’t even get into it. But my brother wanted to belong somewhere. And I\’m not surprised. In the school of psychology, I learned that every child wants to belong somewhere and does not care what society professes, what it does and why it does it. And a small child does not care whether it is bad or not. In my opinion, this should be taken care of mainly by his parents. And what about you? What will you do?

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How to deal with the fact that your child caught the wrong company? How would they treat it? It would be nice to see the principal or something. In my opinion, if you even get some information about these children, it will not spoil anything. In my opinion, children of such a young age should not smoke and steal. The best thing is to set boundaries for your child. I want my children to meet only with people who know that I am decent and good. Unfortunately, it doesn\’t always work or you know it. Sometimes it is difficult to understand it, because sometimes children hide what is happening in their collective. Therefore, I advise you to regularly discuss your child\’s free time and school.